Deliciously creamy chia pudding makes a fabulous breakfast, snack or dessert. Make it extra special by adding fruits, nuts, seeds or even a layer of smoothie.
Pour the coconut milk and water into a large container with a lid.
Whisk in the honey, vanilla and cinnamon until well combined.
Sprinkle the chia seeds over the flavoured liquid then whisk well. Set aside 5-10 minutes.
Whisk again to break up any clumps of seeds that have formed.
Put the lid on, place in the fridge and leave overnight or for a minimum of 4 hours.
Serve in bowls or glasses, layered with fruit, nuts, seeds or smoothie if liked.
Creamy chia pudding without fruits, nuts, seeds etc. should keep for 5 days in the fridge.
If you replace canned coconut milk with a thinner milk as the soaking liquid (e.g. cow's milk, oat milk or thin coconut milk): instead of 250ml each of milk and water, just use 500ml of milk.
Similarly, for regular plain yogurt (not the thick, Greek style kind) then use all yogurt and no water as your soaking liquid.