One of the most refreshing drinks is so easy, at cheap, to make at home using your favourite tea whether black, green, fruity, or herbal.
Put the tea bags in a large heatproof jug and pour over the boiling water.
Stir and leave to brew for 10-15 minutes.
Remove and discard the tea bags.
Add sweetener to taste, stirring to dissolve.
Stir in the lemon juice and cold water then taste and add more sweetener if needed.
Put the jug in the fridge and leave until completely cold.
Tip: can be covered and stored in the fridge for several days although best drunk within 24-36 hours.
Half fill individual glasses or a serving jug with ice cubes and pour over the cold tea.
Add the lemon slices plus the mint sprigs if using and serve.
Note #1 Tea bags. You can use any type of tea bag (or loose-leaf equivalent if you have a fine strainer) e.g. black, green, herbal, fruit. I like a combination of black and mint teas.
Note #2 Sweetener. I use 3 tsp of zero sugar, zero calorie Stevia for 2 litres of iced tea.