Miso, Ginger & Sesame Vegetable Salad

Miso, Ginger & Sesame Vegetable Salad

This Miso, Ginger & Sesame Vegetable Salad is a real favourite at our house. The sweet and tart, zingy dressing is made in about five minutes. All you need to do then is decide what crunchy veg you want in the salad. I love carrot, …Read more

Roasted Beetroot Hummus

Roasted Beetroot Hummus

Roasted Beetroot Hummus is a great variation on the classic Middle Eastern dip. The sweet earthiness brings a new dimension without overwhelming the chickpeas and tahini of the original. Roasting both the beetroot plus a head of garlic (which becomes beautifully mellow) will add even …Read more

Thai Peanut Dressing & Crunchy Salad

Thai Peanut Dressing & Crunchy Salad

Thai Peanut Dressing is great to have in your recipe repertoire. Whizzed up in a matter of minutes, in this post I pair it with a big, crunchy vegetable salad that can provide ALL of your five a day. But the creamy, salty, hot, sour …Read more

Caesar Salad & Chicken Caesar Salad

Caesar Salad & Chicken Caesar Salad

I don’t claim authenticity for my version of Caesar Salad. But if you love robust flavours, it tastes divine. My quick, delicious version of the dressing combines mayo with plain yogurt to lighten it. Flavoured with anchovy, garlic, and Parmesan, it’s a knockout over lettuce …Read more

Cobb Salad: An American Classic

Cobb Salad: An American Classic

Cobb Salad is one of those dishes we rarely see in Britain. But I think this hearty, main course salad, a classic in its US home, is one more of us really ought to try. With chicken, bacon, avocado, eggs, tomatoes and blue cheese, all …Read more

Vitamin Rich Salad with Tahini-Soy Dressing

Vitamin Rich Salad with Tahini-Soy Dressing

Vitamin Rich Salad with Tahini-Soy Dressing is just what’s needed at this time of year. With the onset of the season for coughs, colds and sniffles you’ll want to look after your immune system to help fight those bugs. And this colourful salad just happens …Read more

Cauliflower-Broccoli Tabbouleh, Roasted Fennel & Double Tomato Dressing

Cauliflower-Broccoli Tabbouleh, Roasted Fennel & Double Tomato Dressing

Cauliflower-Broccoli Tabbouleh is my take on a refreshing Lebanese salad traditionally made with bulgur wheat, lots of parsley, mint, lemon, olive oil and tomatoes. To increase the amount of vegetables in the dish, I substitute cauliflower and broccoli for the bulgur and include tasty roasted …Read more

Roasted Vegetables with Feta Dressing, Walnuts, Pumpkin Seeds & Crispy Kale

Roasted Vegetables with Feta Dressing, Walnuts, Pumpkin Seeds & Crispy Kale

This post is the second in a series where I want to show you how meals based around roasted vegetables, accompanied by a range of tasty mix and match dressings, are a great way to help you reach your recommended daily intake of fruit and …Read more

Griddled avocado with balsamic-roasted tomatoes, chilli, coriander & mint salad.

Griddled avocado with balsamic-roasted tomatoes, chilli, coriander & mint salad.

I’ve never been one for keeping up with trends so I was very slow on the uptake when everyone started going crazy for avocado toast. But, unlike most trends, I think there’s a very sound reason behind this one: the flavour & texture combination is …Read more