Spinach & Avocado Smoothie
Spinach & Avocado Smoothie is a quick breakfast, but one that will keep you full for hours.
A beautiful shade of green from spinach, but with avocado, banana, peanut butter and yogurt, it packs a hefty nutritional punch too.
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I came up with Spinach & Avocado Smoothie one very stuffy and muggy morning.
I’d been out early walking the dog, knowing it was to get even hotter later on. But I was still absolutely boiling, and very hungry, when I got back.
So I fancied something cooling but also filling and nutritious for breakfast.
The result was a delicious green smoothie, so thick we had to spoon it up!
As well creamy avocado, fresh baby spinach adds to the beautiful colour, although frozen would be fine too.
On the other hand, my smoothie included frozen banana, but you could swap in fresh.
Frozen fruit and veg will make your smoothie much thicker, which I like. Just note that if you add lots of frozen ingredients instead of fresh then you might want to decrease the amount of ice cubes suggested in the recipe card at the end of this post.
One of the reasons this smoothie is so filling is that it contains peanut butter. Feel free to use your own favourite nut butter instead of peanut.
My preference is for those with no added sugar, salt or oil, just 100 per cent nuts.
A few spoonfuls of yogurt in a smoothie also helps to ward off hunger for longer. In my case, that means homemade yogurt.
The great thing about this, and virtually every other smoothie, is that all you need to do is whizz everything together.
So that my not-exactly-top-of-the-range blender works properly, I add a splash of milk too. But you can probably leave it out if you have a super-duper blender that can tackle anything.
Other than the banana, there isn’t anything sweet in this smoothie. So, for balance, I add a little maple syrup. A good squeeze of lime perks thing up a bit too.
I think smoothies always look better with a few extras on top. Here I used frozen raspberries for contrasting colour and a sprinkle of my favourite nutty hemp hearts.
And that’s it.
A cooling, satisfying Avocado & Spinach Smoothie ready to spoon up and enjoy.

Spinach & Avocado Smoothie
A quick breakfast or snack that will keep you full for hours with avocado, spinach, banana, peanut butter & yogurt too.
- 2 big handfuls spinach leaves, washed you can use frozen instead
- 1 medium avocado halved, stone & skin removed
- 1 banana, sliced frozen or fresh
- 2 dessertspoons natural peanut butter or other nut butter
- 2 dessertspoons plain yogurt
- 1 lime juice only
- 1 tsp maple syrup or other sweetener optional
- 1 handful ice cubes more or less if preferred
- 1 splash milk optional
To serve (optional)
- raspberries fresh or frozen
- sprinkle of seeds or chopped nuts e.g. hemp hearts
Put all the ingredients except the milk in a blender.
Whizz until combined into a thick smoothie: add a splash of milk if needed to get the blender to run or add more ice cubes for a thicker smoothie.
Divide between 2 glasses, top with the raspberries and seeds if using, and serve.