Blackberry Brandy Recipe
Blackberry Brandy is a satisfying, easy project made with seasonal, foraged fruit. The spirit is flavoured with blackberries and sweetened with sugar to make a delicious, liqueur-like drink. Swap the brandy for gin, vodka, whisky, or dark rum if you prefer.
Made using fresh or frozen blackberries, you’ll need the patience to let it infuse for three months before straining and bottling. Then it’s up to you how long to mature it before enjoying on its own, in cocktails, or with mixers.
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Like millions of Britons, when I was a child, a Summer didn’t go by without my sisters and I going blackberrying or brambling. We were foragers before we’d even heard of foraging.
Although I lived in a large town, there were still plenty of opportunities to pick blackberries for free. The bramble plant is native to Britain and very common in woodlands, hedgerows, and seemingly almost any scrubby bit of land.
Back then, most of the inky blackberries would go straight from the hedgerow into our mouths via juice-stained fingers.
Even now, it’s a rare year that I don’t pick at least one batch of blackberries. But, these days, the berries (which, technically speaking, aren’t actually berries) are more likely to end up in jams, jellies, smoothies, pies, or ice-cream.
But when you’ve had your fill of those, how about making Blackberry Brandy?
I’m so pleased to be able to finally tell you about my Blackberry Brandy recipe. I made my first batch last year but felt it best to wait until the start of this brambling season. Not only will it be more useful now they’re coming on everywhere again, but the dark liqueur has had more time to mature.
This satisfying and tasty little project is so simple you won’t believe it. You’ll find full details in the recipe card at the end, but here are the basic steps.
Pick medium or even slightly overripe blackberries. While a few underripe ones are fine in homemade jam, you want the luscious flavour of ripe fruit for Blackberry Brandy. You’ll need 500 grams per 700 ml or 70cl bottle of brandy.
If you can’t pick that many at once, just freeze what you have and add to them until you’ve amassed enough.
Important: when foraging for blackberries, please don’t strip plants of all fruit. Leave some for others and the many insects, mammals, and birds that feed on brambles.
After picking, rinse and drain the blackberries in a sieve. If freezing, I do it on a tray and transfer to a container when hard. This stops them forming a big clump and means you don’t have to defrost before making the Blackberry Brandy.
The first step is to ‘muddle’ the blackberries with some sugar. Muddling just means lightly bruise and mash the fruit to release its flavour, not bash it to smithereens.
I put the berries and sugar in a large, very clean jar and muddle them with a wooden spoon. Your jar should be large enough to hold the fruit, sugar, plus the brandy. It should also have a good seal as you’ll be shaking it up now and then.
I think white granulated or caster sugar is best here. It has neutral flavour and colour so won’t affect the final product. Wanting a liqueur-like medium-sweet Blackberry Brandy, I used half the weight of sugar to blackberries. You can make it less sweet if you prefer.
Actually, there’s no reason you can’t use a spirit other than brandy. Vodka, gin, or whisky should all be fine. But for me the dark fruit is better complemented by a dark, sweeter spirit. Rum, other than white, would be another option.
It’s probably obvious that there’s no point using a fine brandy for this recipe. Its flavour will be completely wasted. On the other hand, I wouldn’t make it with something entirely undrinkable either. Personally, I think a mid-priced Spanish brandy is about right.
Pour the brandy into the jar and give everything a good stir. Aim to dissolve as much of the sugar as you can. Don’t worry if some is still undissolved though. It will disappear over the coming days.
Now we need to leave the jar so the brandy takes on the flavour of the blackberries and is sweetened by the dissolving sugar. I put it in a kitchen cupboard that’s within easy reach but not in a warm spot. To help along the infusing, shake the jar every other day for 3 weeks. Being forgetful, I put a reminder to do it on my phone.
After 3 weeks, you can reduce the shaking to just once a week. How long you continue this stage is up to you. The longer you leave it, the more flavoursome the mixture should get. Because I wanted my Blackberry Brandy ready for Christmas, I infused it for 3 months.
After infusing for your chosen length of time, strain the mixture through a sieve, catching the liquid. If you don’t want to waste the blackberries you can use them in puddings, cakes, smoothies etc. Just bear in mind they will have absorbed some of the alcohol.
As with all preserve making (and Blackberry Brandy is a fantastic way to preserve seasonal fruit for a long time) all your equipment should be scrupulously clean. Wash everything in hot, soapy water and rinse.
To make filling the bottles easier, I transferred the liqueur to a jug first. But not before having a little taste, of course!
Even at the bottling stage, I was rather pleased with it. It reminded me of a fruity port. Exactly what I was after.
As my first batch was an experiment, I matured the liqueur in these 250ml bottles rather than larger ones. This was so I could open just one of them around Christmas/New Year while leaving the others to mature further and see how they improved.
The recipe made approximately 900 ml of Blackberry Brandy so one of my bottles wasn’t quite full. I popped that in the fridge and used it up within a few days.
As with the infusing, you can leave the bottles to mature for as long as you like. Place them in a cool, dark place – just as you would a chutney.
I opened my first bottle on New Year’s Eve. Unsurprisingly, after less than three weeks, it didn’t really taste that much different to when it was bottled. But it made a nice cocktail with prosecco.
As I write this blog, my remaining Blackberry Brandy has been in the bottle 6½ months. I opened the second bottle today, drank a little glass, then made a cocktail with some later. Wow!
The flavour has greatly improved. At the bottling stage, it had reminded me of a fruity port. Now, I think those complex port-like flavours have intensified into something rather lovely.
I’ve still got one bottle left and will try not to open it until it’s had a full year of maturing. Meanwhile, I can’t wait for this year’s blackberry season to start so I can get on with a new batch of Blackberry Brandy.
Being a relative newbie, I’ve still to discover some of its delights. But here’s a few ideas for using your Blackberry Brandy.
- On its own: Enjoy a tipple in a small glass either chilled or, on cool nights in front of the fire, served just as it is.
- A simple cool drink: for summer refreshment, put plenty of ice in a glass, pour over a generous glug of the liqueur, and top up with soda water or lemonade.
- As a dessert wine: I think Blackberry Brandy would be great with rich puddings, especially boozy or chocolatey ones.
- Instead of sherry in trifle: Talking of desserts, I used some of my first bottle in a classic British trifle. I brushed sponge fingers with lots of the liqueur before covering them with a tin of black cherries, black cherry jelly, proper homemade custard, whipped cream and, of course, a sprinkle of hundreds and thousands.
- Wine spritzer: add a dash to white or rose wine, topping up with soda water or lemonade.
- Blackberry Brandy Smash: in a glass, gently bruise a few mint leaves then add ice cubes. Pour in some Blackberry Brandy, add a dash of soda water or ginger ale, serve with a slice of lemon, orange, or lime.
If you’ve made Blackberry Brandy, I’d love to hear from you so please leave a comment. How long do you infuse and mature yours for and how do you drink it?

Blackberry Brandy Recipe
A satisfying, easy project made with seasonal, foraged fruit. Brandy is flavoured with blackberries and sweetened with sugar to make a delicious, liqueur-like drink.
- 500 g blackberries, fresh or frozen see Recipe Note #1
- 700 ml brandy see Recipe Note #2
- 250 g white granulated or caster sugar see Recipe Note #3
Mix the blackberries with the sugar and brandy.
Put the blackberries into a very clean, large jar (it will need a lid) along with the sugar.
Stir them together, muddling so that the blackberries start to break up a little and release some of their juices.
Pour the brandy into the jar and stir well, aiming to dissolve as much of the sugar as possible. Don't worry if all the sugar doesn't dissolve: it will do over the coming days.
Leave to infuse.
Put the lid on the jar and place in a dark place that's in easy reach such as a kitchen cupboard.
Shake the jar vigorously every other day for 3 weeks.
After 3 weeks, shake the jar once per week.
Continue shaking once per week for 3 months, or longer if preferred.
Bottle and mature.
Strain the mixture through a sieve into a clean jug or bowl: the blackberries can be discarded or used in cakes, puddings, smoothies etc. but bear in mind they will have absorbed some of the alcohol.
Transfer the Blackberry Brandy to very clean, dry bottles and put on the lids.
Leave to mature for as long as you like: a minimum of 3 - 6 months is recommended.
Recipe Notes
Note #1 There's no need to defrost frozen blackberries so long as they're not frozen in a large clump.
Note #2 Other spirits can be used instead of brandy e.g. vodka, gin, whisky, rum.
Note #3 This amount of sugar makes a sweet liqueur. Add less sugar if preferred.
I have several quarts of canned blackberry juice from berries I picked. I intended to make jelly and syrup, but I think I could add brandy and make my own blackberry brandy, no? I would let it set for several months to blend. I did add sugar to what I canned and it’s fairly sweet so I hope it works just as it is. I’ll give it a try!
It will be interesting to hear how it turns out!
My only thought is that it may be weaker alcohol-wise as you’re diluting the brandy more by adding juice rather than whole berries which are later removed. But it will probably still taste good!
Love making fruit gins with blackberries but haven’t tried them in brandy, just cherries. I also use them in my winter cordial which is basically blackberries, sloes, rowan berries, hawthorn berries, elderberries,damsons, plums, raspberries if any in freezer. All frozen if necessary until I’ve everything ready. Cooked to boil then simmer for an hour usually so everything is soft and gives up juices, also add at this stage cinnamon stick, couple of juniper berries, grating of nutmeg and some grated fresh ginger. Oh and a few chilli flakes. . Through jelly bag then back in jam pan with sugar to taste plus juice from a lemon. Warmed slowly together until sugar melted and cordial hot. Goes in warmed bottles with 2 x 5ml spoons of vodka or brandy to help preserve it. Spoonful a day through winter either as is or added to hot water is ideal to boost vitamin c through winter months. And tastes delicious 😄. Ps chilli doesn’treally overpower. My nanny used to make it for us every year.
Sounds great!
Sure would like to know the amounts of the everything in your Winter cordials. It sounds so tasty
I have been making ‘Hedgerow’ liquors for a number of years now. This recipe works great with Gin as well. I also do a batch by adding a cinnamon stick in. I check the taste every time I go to give it a stir, just to make sure the cinnamon doesn’t become too overbearing, and remove it when I feel I have just enough hint of spice. I call it Spiced Blackberry Brandy … Its delicious!!!
I love cinnamon in almost anything so would enjoy your Spiced Blackberry Brandy – it sounds great!
Do I put the lids on tightly, first time trying this, don’t want an explosion. Thank you,
Hi, we’re just infusing the brandy with the blackberries and sweetening with sugar rather fermenting, so I’d be surprised if there’s much danger of explosion if you put the lids on fully and store in a dark, cool place.
I made this recipe and it turned out great!! I infused it a bit longer and the blackberry flavor really came out. In full. The leftover berries I used to make scones and they came out delicious!! Enjoying my warmed blackberry brandy on these wintery nights! Thank you for the recipe!!
You’re most welcome and thank you for the great feedback. I’m going to have to try it warmed too!
I made this with frozen blackberries from earlier in the season. Made exactly as stated. It is perfectly smooth tasting! Will definitely make again. I tossed the used fruit in a chocolate cake and that was great also.
Thank you.
Thank you for the lovely feedback! Using the boozy blackberries in a chocolate cake sounds fantastic.
I’ve been making blackberry brandy for many years and can vouch for a) how easy it is and b) how delicious it is.
I wash the blackberries in salted water first to encourage bugs to vacate the fruit, then rinse well. Otherwise it’s the same recipe.
3 months maturing is fine, it’s always ready for Xmas, along with the raspberry gin.
Last year I was given a bottle of dry sherry – not my “cup of tea” – so I infused it with dried fruit, sugar, citrus peel and cinnamon to create Christmas Pudding Sherry – very moreish. So I’d encourage everyone to just have a go and fine the fruit/spirit combo that they will enjoy.
Hello Jill. It’s great to have the input of someone like yourself who’s been at this for many years and it means a lot that my recipe has your seal of approval!
I saw someone write about raspberry gin the other day and thought that I might try that too. And I love the sound of your Christmas Pudding Sherry 😋
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment.
Hi Jill, I’ve just read a post on Pinterest where you said you made Christmas pudding sherry. Are you able to send that recipe??
Cheers Giselle
Tasmania Australia
You can also use baking soda + vinegar, and/or lemon juice. That worked for me to get some fly larvae out of the fruit